Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Adenocarcinoma is a cancer of an epithelium that originates in glandular tissue. Epithelial tissue includes, but is not limited to, the surface layer of skin, glands and a variety of other tissue that lines the cavities and organs of the body. Epithelium can be derived embryologically from ectoderm, endoderm or mesoderm. To be classified as Adenocarcinoma, the cells do not necessarily need to be part of a gland, as long as they have secretory properties. Well differentiated adenocarcinomas tend to resemble the glandular tissue that they are derived from, while poorly differentiated adenocarcinomas may not. By staining the cells from a biopsy, a pathologist can determine whether the tumor is an adenocarcinoma or some other type of cancer. 

Adenocarcinomas can arise in many tissues of the body due to the ubiquitous nature of glands within the body. While each gland may not be secreting the same substance, as long as there is an exocrine function to the cell, it is considered glandular and its malignant form is therefore named adenocarcinoma. Endocrine gland tumors, such as a VIPoma, an insulinoma, apheochromocytoma, etc., are typically not referred to as adenocarcinomas, but rather, are often called neuroendocrine tumors. If the glandular tissue is abnormal, but benign, it is said to be an adenoma. Benign adenomas typically do not invade other tissue and rarely metastasize. Malignant adenocarcinomas invade other tissues and often metastasize given enough time to do so.

1 comment:

  1. My chemotherapy treatments...

    I'm going back to share my experience now because the emotional pain and suffering I had from breast cancer has subsided. I still cry when I share my story, but I no longer feel like a victim of cancer.
    In June 2005, I started chemotherapy. My oncologist recommended I start chemo first then have surgery. I had to undergo 8 rounds of chemo, once every two weeks. It was called dose-dense. I was on three rounds of AC, three rounds of Taxotere, then the rest on Taxol. I can still remember it like it was just yesterday. The first round of chemo wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I wasn't that sick. I was thinking I can do this. Chemo was not that bad. Boy, was I wrong. The second round hit me hard. My red blood cells were low so I was given a shot of Procrit. I normally got sick on the third day. I would go in for treatment on a Thursday, get the Procrit shot on Friday (if necessary), and then be sick in bed for 3-5 days. In The next round, I didn't get the Procrit shot. I still feel sick, but not as sick as the last round. When I got really sick on my next round after getting the Procrit shot, I realized the shot was making me feel worse. So I keep searching for natural herbs then I came across Dr Itua herbal center who cure disease like Herpes,Cancer,Men & Women Infertility,Love Spell,Body Pain,Parkinson,ALS,MS,Diabetes,Hepatitis,COPD Dr Itua was the only solution to my condition so I purchase his herbal medicine and I finished the treatment complete as I was instructed without surgeon I got cured, I asked him what will I do to give my thanks then he ask me to testify about his work so reason for me dropping this on here to help someone out there with health challenge, Thank God! Dr Itua was a lot better.

    **Feel free to send Dr Itua a message through or visit his website if you have any questions regarding the treatments or for any health challenges.
